Thursday, July 7, 2011

I am a loner sometimes...and love the simple things in life...

Chelsea, Faraji (Kaka aka Brother), and myself on our last day together. 
That title has been the depiction of my mood the past week. Although I haven't updated this in a while, I do not think I could with all the emotions and thoughts that have graced my hectic brain lately. Holy shit, so...Tanzania. WOW. One word to describe it- I don't think one word could even describe Bagamoyo and it's people. Where do I begin?

Children of AMAP
Once upon a time, a little Russian girl traveled to Eastern Africa and never wanted to leave, the end. No, but in all seriousness, the three weeks I spent in Bagamoyo, Tanzania have brought an extreme positive light to my life. I have definitely caught the travel bug...and have realized that the passion I have for helping others is raw, real, and the path that life has given me. The beautiful people of Bagamoyo---all of you including the boys of Uhuru and all of those associated with it, African Modern Arts Park (Saidi and all of his beautiful students), Imuma & its children, and every single citizen of this wonderland on the coast of the Indian Ocean--- I miss and love all of you so much, it aches my heart every single day.

I cannot begin to describe how much all of you have given me in return, much more than I could ever give to you. Along with the beautiful place, culture, and people of Bagamoyo, the people I spent the trip with are just as equally important. I love you all for sharing such an experience with me and it will always be something we can share, laugh, and love about together. Although I cannot sulk and simmer in sadness over the fact I am not there, I take all that I have learned of others and myself into my life here. We don't need what we want, we need what we need. I have less than a month until I am back in Africa and I cannot wait to embark on future journeys that will never end. I will not settle & that's that.

Sunset in Bagamoyo 

After Tanzania, I went straight to California after a trip back to Vermont from Mass. My best friend Phoebe and I traveled together. I was able to meet so many of her Filipino relatives, who are amazing people. Santa Barbara, Oxnard, and San Diego were all wonderful places with AMAZING food! I loved being in diverse atmospheres getting a feel for new cultures while being with my sista from another mista. I miss her lots and lots and lots <3

Jumping rope on Father's Day with Pho, her cousin Alfredo, and the rest of her family.

          It is amazing how everything seems to come together, or seems like it does. Does it ever come together? I feel as though we are always on this journey and we think we've achieved that pure happiness at some points or another. On the other hand, life is a journey in itself that IS a pursuit of happiness. Change, turmoil, stress, love, and fear are all in the mix and without those elements we could never reach our own sense of peace. Stop worrying about what's coming tomorrow and live your life today for what it is and its beauty. I love my life and it's fucking extraordinary...cheers to the world and it's beautiful people.

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