Monday, May 2, 2011

"If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything."

     Good ol' Thich Nhat Hanh stated the above saying. It has been very persistent with my mood lately. This year has been one of extreme learning experiences and I can soundly say I am very happy and with peace in many aspects of my life. I suppose my new years resolution was to really take everything as it came to me and not to keep persisting on the future to make myself happy. In the final meeting for Tanzania, we discussed our "colors" that correspond to our personality in regards to characteristics, how others perceive us, and our stressors. This really put things into perspective to me. It helped me realize, yeah I come off as rude sometimes, and maybe say some things out loud I should not say, but hey we all have flaws. What is important, is that we realize them and understand why we do certain things we do.

     In regards to summer vacation, it has certain had a solid start, to say the least ha. I have met and bonded with some incredible people, even just this past semester. Those people you look back and this real? WHY have we not been friends our whole lives? Goes to show, there are amazing people everywhere we look, walk, talk, and eat. We are just lucky when they stumble into our lives unexpectedly.
Speaking of amazing people, going home in about eight days. . . fantastic. Some of the most beautiful, inspirational, and interesting people live within a ten minute walk of my house in MA. These real friendships have been going strong for almost my entire life and I love these people so much. Considering I do not have much family in this country, I can safely say they are my family and I have no idea how my life would be without them.

     A good friend once told me "You are the reason I wake up every morning" (she will remain nameless because of her blackout status). Jesus christ, it is true though. Reflecting about our relationships with others and why and how we connect is very important in just understanding ourselves. . . and if it were not for all of the connections I have made with these other human beings, then I could of never understood why I am the way I am, why I do what I do, and why I think the way I think. Thank you, and happy summer :)